Inclusion Team


Robyn Harrison- Inclusion Team Leader and Assistant Headteacher

I previously worked in Faversham and South East London as both a teacher and as a SENCo. It's my job at Newington to oversee and work with families and children to make sure that everyone is safe and happy. I truly believe that every single child deserves the very best start in life and children learn best when they feel happy and secure, so I've spent the last 30 years trying to make sure that happens for all the children I've taught and worked with. 
Being a parent (and being a child!) isn't easy work a lot of the time, my 14-year-old son can tell you that! But at Newington we want to help you along the way as much as we can. I work very closely with Tracey, Holly and Julie and as a team we can help with many of the things that you might find difficult at home. We can't always fix everything, but we can listen, help you to find the right help and hold your hand through the tough times.
If you have any worries or even just fancy a chat with someone to work through ideas, I am always around to help. You can contact me via the school office (01843 593412) and ask for Miss Harrison or via email I am also out on the gate at the beginning and end of the day most days apart from Thursdays.


Tracey Stillman

I’ve worked at Newington Community Primary School for 19 years, and over the years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know our wonderful children and families very well. I am absolutely Newington through and through- I came here, my children came here, my grandchildren came here- it’s a place I care about, and my job is all about caring for every one of our children. I’m the school’s safeguarding officer, behaviour lead and a pastoral mentor.


My role ranges from attending meetings with outside agencies, to making children toast in the morning! If you need any support with behaviour, at school or at home, have any safeguarding concerns, or just need a hug, I can be contacted via the main school office 01843 593412 asking for Tracey or on my work e-mail address: 

Holly Dube

Hello everyone, 

I have worked at Newington Community Primary School for 15 years. 9 years as a Teaching Assistant across all year groups and 6 in Apollo as a Pastoral and Behaviour Mentor. My day-to-day role consists of ensuring that children are ready to learn and removing barriers to learning but most importantly ensuring that every child is happy in school. I am also a member of our school Welfare Team. 

Some of my roles in school are: 

  • Running a 'ready to learn breakfast club' in Apollo every morning
  • Supporting your children in class
  • Working alongside and organising events and workshops with our Wellbeing Practitioner 
  • Running interventions such as Lego Therapy and Baking 
  • Providing a link between home and school for example making charts for sleep, eating and behaviour 
  • Signposting outside agencies to support both parents and children such as SALUS 
  • Supporting children every day on a 1:1 basis when needed 
  • Giving children the ability to have some space from the classroom environment if needed 
  • Lunch time provision in Apollo 

Anyone that knows me well, will know that I adore a quote. There is one quote that overarches my role here at Newington.

'Every child deserves a champion- an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be' (Rita Pierson) 

I always aim to be a 'champion' for all children including my own. I have two beautiful daughters, both who have attended Newington. I am always available if you need to talk about anything regarding your child or to alleviate any worries or concerns. 
I can be contacted via the main school office 01843 593412 asking for Holly or on my work e-mail address, 


Julie Marks

Hello my name is Julie Marks, I am a Family Liaison Officer at our fabulous school, I have been doing the job for 12 years now and have acquired a great deal of experience working with families.

There are no rule books when bringing up children and life throws us some challenging stuff which can be difficult to deal with. Please never feel you are alone, I have an open door policy and am here to help you, not judge you. I work directly with families and can provide a friendly listening ear and a cuppa, sometimes knowing you are not alone and talking things through is enough.

I support at meetings, signpost to other organisation and refer to other agencies should it be required.

These are just a few things I support with:-

  • Parenting advice
  • Family relationships
  • Challenging behaviour
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Bereavement
  • Housing
  • Domestic Violence
  • Healthy eating
  • Health issues
  • Well-being groups for children
  • Courses for parents

I have two grown up boys and they have given me some challenges in the past. Both have grown into amazing young men, I have two Grandsons which I love and adore.

I am on the playground nearly every morning and at the main entrance at the end of the day, you can email or phone me, I am always available.

Contact Details:-


(01843) 593 412

Sharon Robb

Hello all,
I am the colourful member of the team with over 20 years of first aid experience and caring for children with medical needs, I love my job the children, parents and staff I look after and am affectionally known as matron.  
I've developed my knowledge over the years of all things first aid or medical related, whether it be unexplained rashes, spots or bumps. I look after medical/SEN children as a 1-1 and I love being involved in all areas of school life. 

If you have any medical concerns, I can be be contacted via the school office.


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